Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Going green with native greens


ST. PETERSBURG - City councilmember Karl Nurse thinks the persistent drought requires a fresh look at city development regulations.

"Changes would need to include: Limitations on turf as a percentage of landscapes, limitations on areas with traditional irrigation systems, and...ending the requirement that Florida Friendly landscaping plans be designed by a landscape architect," Nurse wrote in a memo.

Nurse used one of his own properties to demonstrate Florida friendly landscaping. He claims, "This is all stuff that, once it's established, doesn't need any water besides what God brings us."

He says native plants also do not require pesticides or fertilizers because they have adapted to local conditions.

Nurse also wants the city to look for more ways to use native plants on its own properties. Some medians already employ such landscaping and native plants will be used at a new Water Department administration building and a new fire station.

"I'm just trying to pick up the pace," Nurse says, "because this water crisis sort of mandates that we change."

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